Thursday, February 09, 2006

1 out of 3

My daughter picked the picture on the top left as the one that "looks most like her family" and as you can see, her teacher questioned her choice.

Let's see... a white family, a black family, and a generic "brown" family. I'm assuming her teacher thought that my daughter should've picked the brown family but I can see my daughter's reasons for her choice.

[1] No one in our household or family is in a wheelchair.

[2] My daughter doesn't wear glasses.

[3] An old lady doesn't live with us and serves salad for dinner.

[4] The white family looks like they're having fun at the movies, who wouldn't want that? If I had to choose between going to the movies, going to church or feeding a baby while surrounded by old people, I'd choose the movies too.


a n n e said...

Hi Giao - actually my daughter goes to a Catholic private school so this was in religion class. I cropped out the part on the ditto that said "God Gives me a Family" to deter any notions that we are Jesus freaks.

the shim family said...

That's a funny story. I have a feeling Big J would make the same choice as your daughter.

joyce said...

it is a funny story.