Wednesday, April 19, 2006

making pizza

The kids are on spring break this week so to amuse them we had a pizza party. I used Wolfgang Puck's pizza dough recipe because I've always wanted to try making my own pizza dough.

My little sous chef helped knead the dough as you can see:

Here's the dough after kneading, before rising:

Here's the dough after 30 minutes of rising:

Me and the kids like our pizza plain - either cheese or mushrooms, no pepperoni, no meat.

The end result was pretty good - the dough was thick and soft, just the way I like it. I don't like thin or crunchy pizza dough. I saved the extra dough for the next time we are craving pizza because I think we've said goodbye to Round Table for good!


Kumi said...

I often make my own pizza.
Acutally I bake brads/rolls for the breakfast for our family.
I hope you'll continue!
It's yummy, eh?

joyce said...

ahh, we just had pizza last night at our bi-weekly trip to the mall for dinner - not too appetizing though.