Friday, October 21, 2005

ER Doc in training

I watch ER twice a day, three times a day on Thursdays. TNT airs reruns of ER twice a day at 10 AM and 11 AM. This is what watching every episode of ER for the past 12 years has taught me:

  • GSW - gun shot wound
  • MVA - motor vehicle accident
  • DNR - do not resuscitate
  • AMA - against medical advice
  • You give compazine when a patient is nauseous
  • CT scan and CAT scan are the same things
  • PE - pulmonary embolism (blood clot in the lungs, this is what Lucy died of)
  • MI - myocardial infarction (heart attack)
  • Central Line - an IV that goes to one of the major veins close to the heart, usually given (in "ER") when they can't get an IV into the arm; I think only Doctors can put in a central line
  • Basic tests to order are a CBC, Chem7, lytes and pulse ox
  • If a patient is not breathing well on their own, they'll need to be intubated (but they'll need to be unconscious first)
  • Exlap - exploratory laparotomy surgery, usually performed when they don't know exactly what is wrong and they "explore" via surgery to find out
  • And ER's never had a hotter doctor than Doug Ross (But Grey's Anatomy Dr. McDreamy is a nice substitution


Spock said...

Hi! Here from Michele's. Welcome back to the blogging world!

-E said...

Michele sent me too.

I've never gotten into ER, but man oh man am I into Dr McDreamy!

kenju said...

Welcome back - I didn't know you before, but I will enjoy you this time. Michele sent me; I used to love ER, but now I am loving Grey's Anatomy.

Stevio said...

This posting's cool.
I'll let my sister know as she used to be a fan of ER...