Sunday, May 14, 2006

Mother's Day & Sisters

My sister sends me flowers every year for Mother's Day. It's funny that she always sends me something every year but I always forget so I never expect them and am always pleasantly surprised when they are delivered.

She knows me so well. She sent me tulips because she knows I don't like the smell of most flowers (roses, tiger lilies, etc.), plus tulips are my favorite flowers.

We lost our mother to cancer almost 22 years ago, so my sister has been somewhat of my mother figure all this time. I should've sent her flowers, but I'm not a big hallmark holiday type of person. By the way, I say "somewhat" because if she were reading this, she would laugh and say, "With your stubborn ass? Yeah right!"

Let's just say that I don't like to be told what to do - which negates the whole mother figure thing. heh.


the shim family said...

Gorgeous photograph. Tulips are one of my favorite flowers. Sorry to hear about your mother, I'm glad you have a sister in your life...they're the best!

P.S. Yet another similarity...I'm very stubborn's the Taurus in me!

joyce said...

that's so nice of her!
i love tulips too...i just wish they would last longer...

Leslie said...

What a sweet sister!! That is so very thoughtful!!