Monday, October 31, 2005


Everyone has weird tics or pet peeves or OCD type behavior. I have a cousin who freaks out when other people's hair touch her. My daughter lays out her fruit snacks on the table and lines them up according to color before she eats them.

Me? I cannot stand drinking cold beverages out of mugs, nor can I stand watching people who do so. Mugs are for hot beverages, glasses are for cold beverages. It's like eating pizza in a bowl. Eating cereal on a plate. Drinking hot coffee in a glass. You get the idea.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

I can't stand it when I see people grab whole handfuls of buttered popcorn/chips/fries at a time. I always worry about their hands being greasy/messy. I'm a more pick a few pieces at a time kinda gal. . . I guess I don't like getting my hands messy. I'm goofy like that!