Monday, December 19, 2005

make me beautiful

Normally I wouldn't be in such a rush to lose the pregnancy flab - it took 9 months to gain, so it can take 9 months to lose - but I'm in my sister's wedding in March (Hawaii!) so I have a bit of motivation. My choice of bridesmaid dress and my daughter's flower girl dress are pictured above. I'm already at my pre-pregnancy weight but definitely not at my pre-pregnancy body. Let's just say there's lots of loose fluff where the "baby house" used to be. I'd like to get back to my "pre-marriage" body... but I don't think I can get there without some Nip/Tuck action. (Speaking of which, the season finale is tomorrow! I'm so anxious to find out who the Carver is, and I'll be pissed if it's some lame storyline that doesn't make sense.)


Leslie said...

I hear you, Anne!

Weight does not equate with shape. Didn't the third pregnancy just do you in?!

I hope your three ring circus is happy and healthy for the holidays!

joyce said...

my driver's license still has my high school weight - i don't have the heart to change it for hopes of going back to that size - haha!