Tuesday, November 15, 2005

RIP sugar

I started the South Beach Diet yesterday. That coupled with working out. I'm only doing this because my sister is getting married in Hawaii in March and I want to get back down to my prepregnancy "fighting" weight. That and my New Year's resolution for 2006 - "look good in a bikini." After that, I'm going to let it all hang loose.

I'm not going to be one of those psycho no carb eaters. Everything in moderation. I love food too much to give anything up completely. Though yesterday I went without my usual sugar dose and I had the worst headache... my body was screaming for some refined sugar in the form of cake, cookies, candy or TWINKIES, but I resisted and tried to trick my body into thinking it was getting sugar by drinking a caffeine free diet coke and a sugar free fudgesicle. (It didn't work.)

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