Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Note to self: no young, taut, attractive 20 year old females allowed

I'm looking for a nanny. Just someone to take care of my baby while I work at home - I can't work at home and take care of a baby at the same time -- trust me, I tried and it's not fair to either my baby or work because they both don't get the attention they deserve.

So I started getting emails/calls in response to the Craigslist ad I posted - my first call was from a young whippersnapper of a girl, 20 years old. Latina. I told my husband about the call, his response?

Eyes lit up, grin on face: "20 years old?!? Daaaaaaamn!!!"

Yeah. I am SO not hiring her. I may need to change my specifications to "65+ years old preferred. Sagging bosom a plus."


Anonymous said...

Anne: I laughed so hard when I read this. I found your site last month and am hooked.

Leslie said...

Oh that's too funny!!!

And you're right. . .it's virtually impossible to work at home w/ a babe. . . impossible!