Thursday, January 26, 2006

i'm still alive

We are having wood floors put in the house and everything is in disarray. The computer has been unhooked and unplugged, the couches are in the dining room, my office furniture is in the living room, the dining table is in the kitchen and there are piles and piles of books all over the place.

I finally made the Martha Stewart Meyer Lemon cake this past weekend - I can't post pics yet because I can't find my card reader and the battery in my camera is dead and I can't find the charger. I can't find ANYTHING.

As soon as things are back to normal, I'll post pics of the cake and the new floors. I spent 5 hours making that cake, it turned out pretty good. The cake itself was delicious, as was the frosting but I wouldn't recommend Martha Stewart's lemon curd recipe - it was way too eggy. I prefer Alton Brown's lemon curd, his recipe uses 5 egg yolks, Martha Stewart's recipe? 16 EGG YOLKS.

By the way - I always thought Meyer lemons were some special gourmet lemon.. I went all the way to Whole Foods and spent $8.00 on them and when I tasted them I realized that they're just like those homegrown lemons people give me all the time! What a rip!


Anonymous said...

Anne: Glad to hear that you're alive and well! I missed ya! Ooh...can't wait to see pictures of the lemon cake...sounds absolutely dee-lish!

Anonymous said...

Hey there- I was googling dragonfly cakes & was curious to see yours- did you ever post a pic? Thanks! You can email me at to see what it looks like!